These words are not written by Kabir ji. These are my compositions which I thought would express my inner thoughts & views. I got the inspiration to write them after I heard Kabir ji's Amritvani dohas. So if you find that these lines are not as precious & soulful as Kabir ji's vani then don't be surprised. I'll be adding more compositions as I get the inspiration to do so. This is just a way of expressing my thoughts in Kabir ji's style :-)
Dhyan mein sovat jag mua
Aise bhakti na hoe
Dhyan mein sovat jag mua
Aise bhakti na hoe
Jago re maan bavare
Bhakti kahave soe fakira
Bhakti kahave soe
Translation / Explanation :- In meditation most of the world sleeps & talks about devotion to God :-) This is not the way you worship the Lord oh soul. Listen oh mind & wake up. By being awake, attentive & alert you should sit in meditation. This is the way of a true devotee of the Lord. Many times I find people sitting for hours at a stretch in meditation & they usually sleep most of the time & expect that their spiritual progress should go on as usual but that's not the case at all. One must be fully alert & attentive while sitting in meditation only then it can bare some fruit.
Padh padh sun re jag muaa
Gyan agam ka na hoe
Padh padh sun re jag muaa
Gyan agam ka na hoe
Deep patal nau khand hain bhitar
Bahar kisko roe fakira
Bahar kisko roe
Translation / Explanation :- By studying books oh world, you'll never get the knowledge of the inaccessible Lord. Islands, lower worlds & 9 grand divisions are within you, whom do you cry out to outside. Without going within in deep meditation we can never know the reality of our being. But this world in ignorance searches outside for the Lord who resides within the human body.
Jug jug beeta chinta mein
Ab toh bhaj le naam
Jug jug beeta chinta mein
Ab toh bhaj le naam
Sant kahein sachkhand chalo
Chod kaal ka dham fakira
Chod kaal ka dham
Translation / Explanation :- Many yugas (time cycles sat yuga, treta yuga, dwapar yuga & kal yuga) have been wasted oh soul in tensions & problems of this world. Now will you not remember God & connect to his power of shabd (naam). Saints tell us to go back home to sach khand (realm of truth) & leave this world of kaal (universal mind) which is the cause of our suffering.
Apne gur ko jaan ne
Dujon ke dar jaaien
Apne gur ko jaan ne
Dujon ke dar jaaien
Dujon ke dar jaake hi phir
Laut guru dar aaien fakira
Laut guru dar aaien
Translation / Explanation :- To know the truth about my master's teachings in my ignorance I started searching other ways & paths to make sure that I was not following my master blindly. After going to other false masters & paths I saw & understood how much falsehood is there everywhere else. After this realization I came back to my master's door & understood the truth of my master through other's falsehood. Sometimes a student has to search in other ways & paths to see the authenticity in his own master & once satisfied he develops something really amazing towards his master, after his intellect is satisfied by seeing other false masters the student develops a faith so powerful that even the strongest storm cannot break it now.
Kitabi gyan to sab kahein
Bolein gita ved
Kitabi gyan to sab kahein
Bolein gita ved
Antar yaatra jo kare
Woh sadhu koi ek fakira
Woh sadhu koi ek
Translation / Explanation :- Everyone talks about God & their knowledge comes from books & Holy scriptures. They quote verses of gita & vedas. But the one who has traveled inside, the one who has walked the royal highway within, the one who really knows what lies beyond the gates of death & the one who undertakes the journey into spiritual worlds such a soul or sadhu (devotee) is very rare.
Gyan ki batein sab karein
Padh padh samjhein bhed
Gyan ki batein sab karein
Padh Padh samjhein bhed
Pucho ruhani safar kiya kya
Raah pata na bhed fakira
Raah pata na bhed
Translation / Explanation :- Everyone talks about knowledge of God. They try to understand mysticism by reading Holy books & scriptures. When I ask them did they undertake the journey towards heaven, did they transcend this physical dimension & travel into realms of spirit, none know the way & neither do they know its secret
Prabhu ki baatein sab karein
Ghanton satsang hoe
Prabhu ki baatein sab karein
Ghanton satsang hoe
Bari pade jab karni ki
Bhaagat sab muh modein fakira
Bhaagat sab muh modein
Translation / Explanation :- Everyone likes to talk about GOD. Everyone likes to hear things about the journey towards home. They can talk about him for hours & have satsangs which last for hours but when the time comes for meditation or giving time for devotion to finally travel that road & undertake that journey everyone runs away from it & gives million reasons why they are not able to meditate & go in.
Sant na ninda karat phirein
Prem ki vani bolein
Sant na ninda karat phirein
Prem ki vani bolein
Khud ko uska daas kahein
Raab ko malik bolein fakira
Raab ko malik bolein
Translation / Explanation :- True saints don't go around criticizing everyone else. Their language is of love not hatred. They call themselves God's servants & call him their master.
Jo dujon ko kaal kahein
Jaano kaal ke doot
Jo dujon ko kaal kahein
Jaano kaal ke doot
Ulta gyan padhaii ke
Sach ko bolein jhoot fakira
Sach ko bolein jhoot
Translation / Explanation :- Those who say that others are messengers of kaal (Negative power or similar to satan or devil) are infact themselves kaal's servant. They teach wrong things & make truth a lie. I've seen many false masters whose satsangs (spiritual sermons) are more focused on proving that they are the only real masters & all others are messengers of kaal. Instead of preaching the love of God they are only concerned in pointing fingers at true saints & proving their own divinity, it is for such charlatans that I wrote these lines. A true master does not indulge in condemning others, but preaching the Gospel of Love.
Sare dwar ko chaat ke
Satguru sharani aaye
Sare dwar ko chaat ke
Satguru sharani aaye
So satguru mohe bhave jo
Anahad shabd sunaye fakira
Anahad shabd sunaye
Translation / Explanation :- I wondered at every door trying to find the way to truth but after all my wondering here & there I came to the master & under his grace. After knowing the truth I say that only that master is loved by me, only that master I admire who connects me to the Anahad Shabd within me.
Note :- In sant mat practise the true master gives us the gift of naam & connects our soul to the shabd within our body this shabd first manifests itself as anahad shabd (the unstruck sound) then it transforms into saar shabd going on to sat shabd & finally reaching the aad shabd the primal sound the cause of all causes & finally to soundless state the final abode of the soul, the region of that supreme being.
Bhakti mein santan lagein
Aur na lagta koe
Bhakti mein santan lagein
Aur na lagta koe
Maut pade sir pe sabhi ke
Raab raab tanhi hoe fakira
Raab raab tanhi hoe
Translation / Explanation :- Only saints & true devotees move towards their true goal to meet their beloved, the Almighty God. No one else wants to walk on this path. When death comes only then everyone cries out to him for help & remembers him.
Sab kahein mera gur pura
Mera panth mahan
Sab kahein mera gur pura
Mera panth mahan
Ek ki bhakti but gayee kyun
Us ko ek hi jaan fakira
Us ko ek hi jaan
Translation / Explanation :- Everyone says that his or her master is true or perfect one. Everyone says that only their way of worship is perfect. I do not understand why there are so many differences in matters of truth because he is only one then why do they divide his worship in so many ways.
Manthan kar kar mein thaka
Mila na sat ka bhed
Manthan kar kar mein thaka
Mila na sat ka bhed
Satguru ki kirpa hoee tab
Dekha purush alekh fakira
Dekha purush alekh
Translation / Explanation :- I tried to search the truth about God but I couldn't find his secret. I got tired in all my quests for him. Only when a true master blessed me I saw him who was all truth, all love, all power, all knowledge & limitless.
Dhyan mein sovat jag mua
Aise bhakti na hoe
Dhyan mein sovat jag mua
Aise bhakti na hoe
Jago re maan bavare
Bhakti kahave soe fakira
Bhakti kahave soe
Translation / Explanation :- In meditation most of the world sleeps & talks about devotion to God :-) This is not the way you worship the Lord oh soul. Listen oh mind & wake up. By being awake, attentive & alert you should sit in meditation. This is the way of a true devotee of the Lord. Many times I find people sitting for hours at a stretch in meditation & they usually sleep most of the time & expect that their spiritual progress should go on as usual but that's not the case at all. One must be fully alert & attentive while sitting in meditation only then it can bare some fruit.
Padh padh sun re jag muaa
Gyan agam ka na hoe
Padh padh sun re jag muaa
Gyan agam ka na hoe
Deep patal nau khand hain bhitar
Bahar kisko roe fakira
Bahar kisko roe
Translation / Explanation :- By studying books oh world, you'll never get the knowledge of the inaccessible Lord. Islands, lower worlds & 9 grand divisions are within you, whom do you cry out to outside. Without going within in deep meditation we can never know the reality of our being. But this world in ignorance searches outside for the Lord who resides within the human body.
Jug jug beeta chinta mein
Ab toh bhaj le naam
Jug jug beeta chinta mein
Ab toh bhaj le naam
Sant kahein sachkhand chalo
Chod kaal ka dham fakira
Chod kaal ka dham
Translation / Explanation :- Many yugas (time cycles sat yuga, treta yuga, dwapar yuga & kal yuga) have been wasted oh soul in tensions & problems of this world. Now will you not remember God & connect to his power of shabd (naam). Saints tell us to go back home to sach khand (realm of truth) & leave this world of kaal (universal mind) which is the cause of our suffering.
Apne gur ko jaan ne
Dujon ke dar jaaien
Apne gur ko jaan ne
Dujon ke dar jaaien
Dujon ke dar jaake hi phir
Laut guru dar aaien fakira
Laut guru dar aaien
Translation / Explanation :- To know the truth about my master's teachings in my ignorance I started searching other ways & paths to make sure that I was not following my master blindly. After going to other false masters & paths I saw & understood how much falsehood is there everywhere else. After this realization I came back to my master's door & understood the truth of my master through other's falsehood. Sometimes a student has to search in other ways & paths to see the authenticity in his own master & once satisfied he develops something really amazing towards his master, after his intellect is satisfied by seeing other false masters the student develops a faith so powerful that even the strongest storm cannot break it now.
Kitabi gyan to sab kahein
Bolein gita ved
Kitabi gyan to sab kahein
Bolein gita ved
Antar yaatra jo kare
Woh sadhu koi ek fakira
Woh sadhu koi ek
Translation / Explanation :- Everyone talks about God & their knowledge comes from books & Holy scriptures. They quote verses of gita & vedas. But the one who has traveled inside, the one who has walked the royal highway within, the one who really knows what lies beyond the gates of death & the one who undertakes the journey into spiritual worlds such a soul or sadhu (devotee) is very rare.
Gyan ki batein sab karein
Padh padh samjhein bhed
Gyan ki batein sab karein
Padh Padh samjhein bhed
Pucho ruhani safar kiya kya
Raah pata na bhed fakira
Raah pata na bhed
Translation / Explanation :- Everyone talks about knowledge of God. They try to understand mysticism by reading Holy books & scriptures. When I ask them did they undertake the journey towards heaven, did they transcend this physical dimension & travel into realms of spirit, none know the way & neither do they know its secret
Prabhu ki baatein sab karein
Ghanton satsang hoe
Prabhu ki baatein sab karein
Ghanton satsang hoe
Bari pade jab karni ki
Bhaagat sab muh modein fakira
Bhaagat sab muh modein
Translation / Explanation :- Everyone likes to talk about GOD. Everyone likes to hear things about the journey towards home. They can talk about him for hours & have satsangs which last for hours but when the time comes for meditation or giving time for devotion to finally travel that road & undertake that journey everyone runs away from it & gives million reasons why they are not able to meditate & go in.
Sant na ninda karat phirein
Prem ki vani bolein
Sant na ninda karat phirein
Prem ki vani bolein
Khud ko uska daas kahein
Raab ko malik bolein fakira
Raab ko malik bolein
Translation / Explanation :- True saints don't go around criticizing everyone else. Their language is of love not hatred. They call themselves God's servants & call him their master.
Jo dujon ko kaal kahein
Jaano kaal ke doot
Jo dujon ko kaal kahein
Jaano kaal ke doot
Ulta gyan padhaii ke
Sach ko bolein jhoot fakira
Sach ko bolein jhoot
Translation / Explanation :- Those who say that others are messengers of kaal (Negative power or similar to satan or devil) are infact themselves kaal's servant. They teach wrong things & make truth a lie. I've seen many false masters whose satsangs (spiritual sermons) are more focused on proving that they are the only real masters & all others are messengers of kaal. Instead of preaching the love of God they are only concerned in pointing fingers at true saints & proving their own divinity, it is for such charlatans that I wrote these lines. A true master does not indulge in condemning others, but preaching the Gospel of Love.
Sare dwar ko chaat ke
Satguru sharani aaye
Sare dwar ko chaat ke
Satguru sharani aaye
So satguru mohe bhave jo
Anahad shabd sunaye fakira
Anahad shabd sunaye
Translation / Explanation :- I wondered at every door trying to find the way to truth but after all my wondering here & there I came to the master & under his grace. After knowing the truth I say that only that master is loved by me, only that master I admire who connects me to the Anahad Shabd within me.
Note :- In sant mat practise the true master gives us the gift of naam & connects our soul to the shabd within our body this shabd first manifests itself as anahad shabd (the unstruck sound) then it transforms into saar shabd going on to sat shabd & finally reaching the aad shabd the primal sound the cause of all causes & finally to soundless state the final abode of the soul, the region of that supreme being.
Bhakti mein santan lagein
Aur na lagta koe
Bhakti mein santan lagein
Aur na lagta koe
Maut pade sir pe sabhi ke
Raab raab tanhi hoe fakira
Raab raab tanhi hoe
Translation / Explanation :- Only saints & true devotees move towards their true goal to meet their beloved, the Almighty God. No one else wants to walk on this path. When death comes only then everyone cries out to him for help & remembers him.
Sab kahein mera gur pura
Mera panth mahan
Sab kahein mera gur pura
Mera panth mahan
Ek ki bhakti but gayee kyun
Us ko ek hi jaan fakira
Us ko ek hi jaan
Translation / Explanation :- Everyone says that his or her master is true or perfect one. Everyone says that only their way of worship is perfect. I do not understand why there are so many differences in matters of truth because he is only one then why do they divide his worship in so many ways.
Manthan kar kar mein thaka
Mila na sat ka bhed
Manthan kar kar mein thaka
Mila na sat ka bhed
Satguru ki kirpa hoee tab
Dekha purush alekh fakira
Dekha purush alekh
Translation / Explanation :- I tried to search the truth about God but I couldn't find his secret. I got tired in all my quests for him. Only when a true master blessed me I saw him who was all truth, all love, all power, all knowledge & limitless.
very good aman
ReplyDeletereally good attempt...
excellent effort
ReplyDeleteToo Good, Marvelous.......
ReplyDeletevery good aman i like your efforts
ReplyDeleteI am happy to read such posts.
ReplyDeleteAman today I can say that you are near to my heart and I belive that god lives in heart.
ReplyDeleteIt is an excellent effort.
God Bless you.
Prof. Sandhu
Peoples group
Marvelous....Its really nice....All in one blow...it enhance ones knowledge...and clear the doubts...g8...Thanks!
ReplyDeleteNice piece of work. I am not a graduate of such a caliber but still you have put most of all what you could fill in :).
ReplyDeleteI personally don't want to urge you to look out for more of such kind of lengthy posts and then counter comments and then more theories as result.. as this will go on.....until one would come to the point where the progress of science would be tagged as "Men at work" , Apart from all this, would love to wish you more of what Master asks a disciple to do: the REAL work,'Just Do It' ...
Radha Soami Ji
N 4 Nothing
today finally i completed reading ur blog ...
ReplyDeleteits just a very gud attempt...i'll wait 4 ur next post...
Very cool your blog Aman. I just love read it.
ReplyDeleteCarry on writing brother!
well done , I am really impressed by your work. I can feel your passion and strong love for Santmat . May God bless you.
ReplyDeleteHi Aman,
ReplyDeleteYour blog is really rejuvinating , felt very good after reading your blogs .
Thanks a lot everyone for your support & love. Please keep visiting & encouraging me.
ReplyDeleteGod Bless All...!!!
ReplyDeleteI just wanted to say that this site is amazing and very beautiful!!!
Thank you!!
An article on Logic of Reincarnation by Steven J Rosen was published in The Speaking Tree of 11the July 2010. In this article the author raised certain queries, what is it that reincarnates from one body to another? Is it the soul? the mind? the intellect? To understand this we should suggest answer to these questions. We all know that there are four fundamental forces in the universe viz., gravitation force, electromagnetic force, weak nuclear force and strong nuclear force. I have written a paper entitled ‘Gravitation Force is the Ultimate Creator’ and presented it at the 1st International Conference on Revival of Traditional Yoga held in Lonavla Yoga Institute, Lonavla in January 2006. In this paper I have defined soul (individual consciousness), mind and body. According to this every point of action of Gravitational Force Field is individual consciousness or soul, electromagnetic force as the force of mind and weak and strong nuclear force as the gross material force which constitute physical frame of body.
ReplyDeleteConsciousness is All Intelligent and pervades everywhere. Although all other remaining three forces are also intelligent but they are subordinate to Gravitational Force. THIS DESCRIPTION WILL HELP TO UNDERSTAND ‘WHAT IS IT THAT REINCARNATES FROM ONE BODY TO ANOTHER.
According to Buddhism this is not the supreme atman or soul that ties one life to another, instead it talks about past lives as evolvement of consciousness, emergence of a new personality from the same stream of consciousness.
Unaccomplished activities of past lives are also one of the causes for reincarnation. Some of us reincarnate to complete the unfinished tasks of previous birth. The is evident from my own story of reincarnation:
“My most Revered Guru of my previous life His Holiness Maharaj Sahab, 3rd Spiritual Head of Radhasoami Faith had revealed this secret to me during trance like state.
HE told me, “Tum Sarkar Sahab Ho” (You are Sarkar Sahab). Sarkar Sahab was one of the most beloved disciple of His Holiness Maharj Sahab. Sarkar Sahab later on became Fourth Spiritual Head of Radhasoami Faith.
Since I don’t have any direct realization of it so I can not claim the extent of its correctness. But it seems to be correct. During my previous birth I wanted to sing the song of ‘Infinite’ (Agam Geet yeh gawan chahoon tumhri mauj nihara, mauj hoi to satguru soami karoon supanth vichara) but I could not do so then since I had to leave the mortal frame at a very early age. But through the unbounded Grace and Mercy of my most Revered Guru that desire of my past birth is being fulfilled now.”
I am one the chief expounder and supporter of Gravitation Force Theory of God. This is most scientific and secular theory of God. I have also discovered the mathematical expression for emotional quotient and for spiritual quotient.
Austrian Scientist Rudolf Steiner says,
"Just as an age was once ready to receive the Copernican theory of the universe, so is our age ready for the idea of reincarnation to be brought into the general consciousness of humanity".