Greetings dear traveler! A voice in the distance calls out to me. It’s midnight & the moon is shining in all its glory. We were traveling by road from Delhi airport to Punjab. During our pit stop at a local dhaba (small road side hotel for refreshments) we were expecting a small cup of tea & some biscuits instead I find myself on a lonely road with a small dhaba & a voice in the shadows calling me a traveler. The waiter was about to bring the tea & an old man, of about 80 or 90 years old, who was of sikh origins with his turban & flowing, long, snow white beard, glowing skin, a strong sturdy structure, eyes like that of an ocean, deep with wisdom & a strange power, aura like that of a yogi, voice like that of silver bells & an old lamp in his hand approached me. At first his face was not visible & as he came closer his aura was radiant with an unearthly light & luminance. Just with a glance I was awestruck & was wondering who is this man or shall I say an entity who seemed human but belonged to worlds eternal.
With reverence I bowed to him and greeted Saat Sri Akaal (a common greeting in Punjab - India). His face suddenly was captured with a sweet smile as if I was talking about someone he knew. He greeted me back & asked would you like to hear about a cosmic event which is about to happen in a few hours my dear traveler. I was totally bewildered as to what is he speaking about? Ofcourse we were dead tired & nothing more refreshing than sipping a hot cup of tea on a cool windy night & having this amazing being trying to tell us about some cosmic event, who cares if its true or not I was into it. Although no one else seemed to say or pay attention to this old man & somehow I found it weird, why weren’t they showing more enthusiasm anyways I was completely blown away by this man, this old mystic & wanted to know about what he wanted to convey.
As soon as I said, yes I would love to hear about it, I was thrown in a world different than I knew, wonderful colors came rushing in from all sides, it seemed like I was travelling at the speed of light. There were lights of explicit beauty, it seemed as if everything was made of light. I totally forgot to ask the old man where was I. I was completely enraptured by the beauty of this amazing world. Was it an out of body experience or astral travel I have no idea, I was sure of one thing that I was in for a ride. I knew that this old man had to do something with this but I was too busy to ask what & how. Suddenly we approached a house ones like that in villages of Punjab, big lawns & peaceful atmosphere. There we saw a young soul getting up & turning off his alarm. I looked at the time & it was 4:00 am in the morning, somehow we had timetraveled as well. In the background were the sweet sounds of gurbani sung by the local bhai ji (priest of gurudwara) at the nearby gurudwara. This whole vision was surreal in nature. The morning was chilly but had a comforting feel to it. This soul was in a hurry yet he had a sweet smile on his face, it seemed more like he was getting ready for something. From the looks of it I thought it was his wedding day. But there was something different in his acts & somehow the whole event looked divine in essence. He took a bath & dressed in pure white kurta & trousers & was ready to go somewhere. I asked the old man, where is he going so early in the morning? The old mystic simply replied he is going for the cosmic event for which even the greatest of entities wait & would die for. I was wondering what could be this event, for a minute I thought I was dreaming but then the reality I saw with my eyes was more real than the world I knew. Outside was a car waiting for him, his fellow residents in that house bid him farewell & he was off on the road to a place where this so called event was about to take place.
The old mystic & I followed him in our bodies of light. When we reached the destination it was a site to see. It looked as if we were in heaven. The beauty of that place is a site to witness not describe. Green trees covered the pathways, people in huge multitude had gathered for some gathering of some sort. Many were busy in their own work. The whole atmosphere radiated with divine presence. Everyone was so peaceful & carried a strange smile of peace on their faces. I asked the mystic what is this place? The old mystic looked deep into my eyes & with a smile he answered this place is where a great saint resides, within these walls is the Master's abode. I was thinking to myself if the atmosphere radiated bliss beyond measure, what would it be like to see that master who is responsible for such a divine atmosphere.
We followed the young soul & witnessed a gorgeous site where hundreds of people mostly dressed in white were sitting in huge lines waiting for something. Our young lad of 25 years looked at his receipt which said 30th September 2008 & had the details about the whereabouts of the place where he was suppose to go. Soon he joined others in the lines & they were all lead towards this huge hall. On the way towards the hall they were given new slippers & water to drink. They were treated with love, respect & were given a VIP treatment. When they entered the huge hall, everyone was made to sit in huge lines & await the master’s presence. Few instructions were imparted to these souls & then in the background chants were sung which were something like this ‘deen dayal bharose tere’ (oh merciful one we have faith on thee) & ‘charan kamal tere dhove dhove pivaan mere satguru deen dayala’ (I shall drink the waters with which I wash thy holy feet oh my merciful master).
The whole energy of that hall was suddenly transported to a realm of spiritual ecstasy. I no longer felt that we were humans instead the feeling in the core of my heart was that we were spiritual beings here for a celestial event. It is amazing that we make all these mental ideas & picture the meeting with the master in some way or the other but when the time really comes there’s nothing like it. The old mystic explained to me that this event is called naam daan when the master in his immense grace & mercy bestows on his chosen souls a key, a power, a ticket if you may call it,which will allow the receiver to transcend the physical realms & enter those hidden realms beyond mind & matter which are otherwise not accessible to the highest of yogis. Imagine for ages the poor soul wanders here & there in search of something, in search of purpose, in search of the path & finally the master shows mercy on such a lucky soul & accepts it under his wing. The master not only shows the soul its way home but also accompanies it on the greatest journey of all.
Sharp at 9 am everyone gathered there turned towards the doors & behold there he was. Waves of light & beauty were radiating from every pore of his body, his majestic look & an extraordinary face I can never forget, oh what a face it was. His eyes were radiating with peace & his appearance was such that a thousand suns would dive in shame. His white flowing beard adored his exhaulted status, he wore a white turban which seemed like a halo of spiritual grace & magnificence & he dressed in pure white as if all the purity of the cosmos had gathered together to form the garment worn by this amazing entity everyone called babaji (with love & respect). His aura was full of marvel & splendor, he looked like the embodiment of shabd, the core of everyone’s being, he was the reason of reasons, it was like watching the alpha & the omega right in front of my eyes & yet his beauty was beyond words would ever suffice. The grandeur of a saint is beyond our limited imagination. This was the great saint whom everyone had come to see & witness his amazing powers of love & mercy.
As everyone settled their heartbeats & composed themselves, babaji started walking towards each & everyone of them bestowing the jewel of naam through his eyes. It is said that saints transmit spiritual energy from the eyes or rather their surat or consciousness & today I witnessed this spectacle firsthand. He walked with grace & beauty, looking at him it seemed like the Lord of the universe was walking amongst us. Despite his powers he carried the face of a saint who was humble, loving & caring towards his children. There was a feeling of awe & yet he seemed approachable to every soul which came in contact with him. When he came near the soul we were with, time seemed to have stopped in its tracks. When the master looks deep into your eyes, you are spellbound & mesmerized. It feels like the master has spoken to your soul & you stand there helpless, alone & humble. That’s when you realize that all your knowledge, power & efforts towards your spiritual goal have no meaning at all because the master is the ocean of spirituality & you a mere droplet. This humility is the crown which every true devotee receives & it is only then that they truly understand their true place. In the presence of the master the ego is shattered & a new awakening dawns upon your soul which leads your consciousness towards higher understanding beyond your intellect. Only the experience of such an event can fully make one understand the depth of naamdaan. Its truly a soul’s new birth.
After those amazing moments spent with the master everyone was taken to another hall where seating arrangements were made. A few minutes later babaji arrived again & taught his children the deepest secrets of santmat or the path of the masters. He revealed to the souls the inner secrets & pitfalls one may face & showed everyone the way to worship the Lord in its true sense. His voice was sweet & firm. His face was radiant & his words were music to our ears. After spending approximately 2 hours with his devotees the master left for his abode & left his children wanting more as always. I can never forget the moments spent with the master & this whole experience was one magical ride.
Suddenly the horn sounds were heard & everyone around me was ready to move on with their journey. That’s when I realized that I had a cup of tea in my hand & my fellow travelers were asking me to get ready to move on from the dhaba where we had stopped. I was really amazed & shaken by this experience I just encountered & somehow a deep sense of comfort filled my heart, to see the master so close & to witness his power & bliss was enough to drainout my fatigue & I was completely rejuvenated. Suddenly I remembered where’s the old mystic who was responsible for such a wonderful experience I had? I wanted to thank him but I couldn’t see him around. I asked my friend hey where’s that old mystic who was here, my friend looked at my face with complete amazement & total confusion. When I insisted on asking about the whereabouts of that old man, my friend simply smiled & said “what old man are you talking about.....”
Payo ji meine ram rattan dhan payo vastu amolik di mere satguru Kirpa kar apnayo Janam Janam ki poonji payi jag mein sabhi khovayo Kharche na khoote chor na loote din din badhat swayo sat ki nav khiwatiya satguru Bhav sagar tar aayo meera ke prabhu girdhar nagar harath harath jas gayo
I have found the treasure of naam, My master gave me the priceless treasure He accepted me with mercy I received treasure beyond measure And gaveup everything material By spending it doesnt decrease And no thief can steal it Day by day it increases manifold I have crossed the bhavsagar(river hades) On the boat of truth with master as the boatman Meera's God is Girdhar nagar She sings of him in ecstasy
(English Translation by Ramnita Sharda)
The world we see around has many mysteries & enchantments which are beyond our comprehension but the greatest mystery is the master. Only he can reveal himself & his wonders...........there’s none like him, there’s none like him.
Science without religion is lame.
Religion without science is blind.
- Albert Einstein
From the Ocean’s bubble this sound arose,
That you and I are not different;
Do not think I am separate from you,
You and I are not different...
Hide not the fairness of your face from me,
Yes, remove the veil and come,
You and I are not different.
- Rumi
Since the time when science stepped into the arena of humanity, we’ve seen that science & spirituality have had different approaches to life & our cosmos. Science took the road to ignorance by accepting our creation to be a machine like mechanism which works on set laws & this thought was the foundation of classical physics. Spirituality took the road to imprudence by accepting mythology & weird belief systems to altogether take humanity far away from the truth which was known only to the masters. Fortunately for us there is a supreme being taking care of our evolution as souls & as we’ve seen from time to time science & spirituality have finally come to a point where both are becoming an inseparable part of the same whole we call “Truth”. From classical physics to quantum physics & from weird mythology to practical spirituality we’ll journey into the world of metaphysics, quantum physics & sant mat (Path of the Masters) to see how amazingly today science & spirituality are merging in the same path which leads to the absolute truth.
Why did science & spirituality took so long to get along?
Dean Radin Ph.D. – on The Stupidity Hypothesis
When we see the kind of education most scientists go through, we understand that things like psychic phenomenon & things like it such as mystical experiences & soul travel etc. are nothing but nonsense for them. Since these scientists never read about such phenomenon in their course they tend to believe that people who actually say that such things are real & have evidence for it, are stupid. By this the scientists mean that since they are not trained in the principles of science they are not capable to understand why such phenomenon can’t be true. Dr. Dean Radin Ph.D. calls this “The stupidity hypothesis”. He calls it this because usually people believe that those who are more educated & more into science, such people will not believe in psychic phenomenon as much as people who are not well educated , but the facts are that the more you are educated & understand science, the more you will believe in psychic phenomenon. High percentage of scientists, psychologists, physicists etc. believe in such psychic phenomenon (even though main stream science denies its existence) because of their own personal experiences. Many scientists in various fields of neuropsychology, psychology, physics etc. are very much interested in such phenomenon & are even conducting their private experiments but we don’t hear about these results because in the scientific community such topics are considered taboo & this notion has continued for over a century.
Einstein's theory of general relativity results were confirmed that the architecture of space time is curved & dynamic & not flat & static when Edwin Hubble used his telescope to confirm the fact that the universe was actually expanding & the galaxies were moving away from earth which gave rise to the theory of Big Bang that the universe began with a cataclysmic explosion. The revolution of cosmology began from great scientists as Nicolaus Copernicus & Johannes Kepler to Galileo Galelei to Sir Isaac Newton. Pioneering work of George Gamow & his colleagues was done on Big bang theory & Fred Hoyle worked on origin of the elements which gave better understanding of how this universe evolved. Much scientific advancement have been seen like space satellites, lasers, gravity wave detectors, X-ray telescopes & high speed super computers. Superstring theory & M theory have given us the major first step beyond Einstein's original theory. They gave us evidence that our universe is one of many. According to the new theories in science our universe is like a bubble in the ocean of consciousness or nirvana of the eleven-dimensional hyperspace. There can be many more such bubbled universes. Satellites like WMAP (Wilkinson microwave anisotropy probe) have captured detailed pictures of the afterglow of the big bang of our universe when it was just 380,000 years old.
This is a “baby picture” of the universe, as it was when it was only 380,000 years old, taken by the WMAP satellite. Each dot most likely represents a tiny quantum fluctuation in the afterglow of creation that has expanded to create the galaxies and galactic clusters we see today. The age of the universe is 13.7 billion years old with an uncertainty of about 200 million years.
A very interesting fact is that every high school book teaches the students that the universe is made up of 100 different types of atoms when in fact recent studies have showed that the visible matter around us such as mountains, planets, star, galaxies etc. are made up of paltry 4 percent of the matter & energy content present in this universe. Rest of the universe is made up of invisible material of unknown origins. According to the WMAP 23 percent of the universe is made of a strange, undermined substance called dark matter, which has weight, surrounds the galaxies in a galactic halo & is completely invisible. But the most amazing thing is that 73 percent of the remaining universe is made up of a totally unknown form of energy called the dark energy or invisible energy hidden in the vacuum of space or “shunya”. Interestingly in the epic book Anurag Sagar Saint Kabir talks about a negative entity & how this entity called Kaal & his forces work behind the curtain of invisibility & runs this great show we call creation of the 3 worlds (Physical, astral & casual). No one at the present time has any understanding of where this “energy of nothing” comes from. “Frankly, we just don’t understand it. We know what its effects are [but] we’re completely clueless . . . everybody’s clueless about it,” admits Craig Hogan, an astronomer at the University of Washington at Seattle.
Once Huzur Maharaj Sawan Singh ji, one of the previous satgurus of the Radhasoami Satsang Beas described an experience of seeing the universe from above as a kind of cosmic foam or many bubbles of universes.
The great masters of the past have always shared amazing accounts of their journey into higher dimensions. Science & general public on the other hand always took these accounts as fake or looked upon them in suspicion. Still the masters & mystics hold true the fact that there are many such universes & worlds beyond our physical world.
There are millions and millions of galaxies
and solar systems in the universe.
The phenomenon of creation
has occurred so many times.
But the one Lord remains for ever and ever.
- Guru Arjan Dev ji
According to the theories proposed by Russian physicist Andrei Linde of Stanford University there may be multiple universes sprouting out from our universe or even our universe maybe the result of such an event from another ancient universe. Amazingly now the ideas that there are more than 4 dimensions (3 of space & 1 of time) scientists have started to believe that there could be many universes right above our own universe & we won’t be able to see them since they are vibrating at a higher frequency level than ours. A very nice example which is given by the masters is that this life or creation is a stage where we merely play our parts as actors. But in light of the new theories proposed by science we can understand that there may be multiple stages right above us & we’ll carry on playing our part as if nothing else exists beyond our realm. The cosmic inflation theory or the inflationary universe theory states that at the time of big bang the inflationary expansion was so intense that there are whole regions of universe beyond our visible universe that will forever be beyond our reach.
Theoretical evidence is mounting to support the existence of the multiverse, in which entire universes continually sprout or “bud” off other universes. If true, it would unify two of the great religious mythologies, Genesis and Nirvana. Genesis would take place continually within the fabric of timeless Nirvana. Scientists at Cal Tech, MIT, Princeton, and other centers are trying to calculate whether is entering other parallel universes consistent with laws of physics.
Thus is the excellence of God magnified
and the greatness of his kingdom made manifest
he is glorified not in one but in countless suns
not in a single earth, a single world,
but in a thousand thousand
I say in an infinity of worlds.
- Giordano Bruno
Previously scientists looked at the ideas of parallel universes, higher dimensions etc. with suspicion & such ideas were usually associated with mystics & occult realms. Usually we see that science didn’t take these concepts of mystics very seriously at all. Infact scientists were hesitant to even venture into these realms of study as it was viewed as a fatal mistake for their careers. It’s only recently that the most brilliant minds on the planet today are rocking the world of science & spirituality with amazing theories known as string theory & it’s latest incarnation the M theory. These theories would unravel the subtle mysterious of our universe & may eventually help us “read the mind of God” as Einstein once eloquently put it.
Now let us try to understand what is String Theory.
Einstein once said that if a theory did not offer a physical picture that even a child cannot understand, then it was probably useless.
String theory is an as-yet incomplete mathematical approach to theoretical physics, whose building blocks are one dimensional extended objects called strings instead of previously used zero dimensional one point particles which formed the basis of standard model of particle physics. In simple words ever since greeks, philosophers thought that the ultimate building blocks of matter in our universe are tiny particles called atoms. So everything in our universe at its core is made up of atoms according to their speculation. Today with the advancements in technology we have powerful atom smashers & particle accelerators which can break the atoms into electrons, protons & neutrons, eventually leading us to nuclei which can be further broken into subatomic particles. The distressing part was that we find many different types of subatomic particles like neutrions, quarks, mesons, leptons, hadrons, gluons, W-bosons etc. The problem was that at such a core level nature did not have a standard fundamental aspect, instead it had a mixture of bizarre subatomic particles.
Previously physicists saw electrons as point particles so in other words matter was made of many small point like particles & they had to introduce a new particle for every subatomic particle which became very confusing. But according to the string theory if we look at the electron particle with a super microscope which can take us at a much deeper level of the electron we’ll see that at the very core it is not a point particle at all instead it’s a tiny string like particle vibrating so fast which gave the illusion of solid point particle. It only seems as a solid particle because our instruments don’t have the capacity to take us deeper into its core. These strings can be understood as strings which are used in the violin which when vibrate at different range & frequency produce different sound & variation, although these subatomic strings are not some normal strings, they are vibrating in the 10th & 11th dimensions. Similarly just like the strings of the violin when struck at different range produce different frequency & resonance, these small string particles which make up the subatomic particles could vibrate at different frequencies & produce different types of subatomic particles, so in other words one single fundamental object could produce different types of subatomic particles just by changing its frequency. So instead of using different point particle for hundred different subatomic particles, now we could use one single object called string. However there are 5 different string theories each with different aspects & competing to be the theory of everything, which was another problem faced by physicists since it was hard to believe that the universe would have so many different ways to bring the creation into being.
So after understanding this unique new theory we understand that laws of physics are nothing but laws of harmony, the laws of chemistry are melodies which one can play on these strings, this grand universe is nothing but a symphony of strings & the mind of God is the cosmic music, the sound current of mystics, the word or shabd of sant mat, music of the spheres of greek philosophers, the celestial music of the masters, resonating throughout hyperspace. Ofcourse the master musician is that supreme being himself which we call by many names as GOD, Waheguru, Bhagwan, Allah or Quantum Self, superstring field & unified field.
Here we see the music analogy with string theory counterparts & understand the complete grand orchestra & it’s player.
Now let us have a look at M Theory.
In the 1980's, a new mathematical model of theoretical physics called String Theory emerged. It showed how all the particles, and all of the forms of energy in the universe, could be constructed by hypothetical one-dimensional "strings," infinitely small building-blocks that have only the dimension of length, but not height or width. Further, String Theory suggested that the universe is made up of multiple dimensions. We are familiar with height, width, and length as three dimensional space. However, String Theory supported the possibility of nine, eleven, twenty-one, or even as many as 26 dimensions--which we can't detect directly. These "strings" vibrate in multiple dimensions, and depending on how they vibrate, they might be seen in 3-dimensional space as matter, light, heat, or gravity. It is the vibration of the string which determines whether it appears to be matter or energy, and every form of matter or energy is the result of the vibration of strings.
String Theory then ran into a problem. Another version of the equations was discovered. Then another, and then another. Eventually, there were five major String Theories, all based on a 10-dimensional universe, and all of them appeared to be correct. That was a problem, because science can't have five seemingly contradictory sets of equations to describe the same thing.
In the mid 90s, a String Theorist named Edward Witten of the University of Maryland and other important researchers considered that the five different versions of String Theory might be describing the same thing seen from different angles. They proposed a unifying theory called "M-Theory", in which the "M" is not specifically defined, but is generally understood to stand for "Membrane." M-Theory brought all of the String Theories together so they agreed. It did this by asserting that strings are really 1-dimensional slices of a 2-dimensional membrane which is vibrating in 11-dimensional space.
M-Theory is not yet complete, but the underlying structure of the mathematics has been established, and is in seamless agreement with not only all the String Theories but with all of our scientific observations of the universe. Unfortunately, until we can find a way to mechanically observe higher dimensions (impossible with our current level of technology) M-Theory has a very difficult time making predictions which can be tested in a laboratory, so technically, it may never be possible for it to be "proven." However, many cosmologists, including Stephen Hawking, are drawn to M-Theory because of its breathtaking mathematical elegance and relative simplicity. Physicist and bestselling author Michio Kaku has remarked that M-Theory may present us with a "Theory of Everything" which is so concise that its underlying formula would fit on a T-Shirt.
Einstein would write that his search for a unified field theory
would ultimately allow him to “read the Mind of God.”
If string theory is correct,
we now see that the Mind of God represents cosmic
music resonating through ten-dimensional hyperspace.
Dr. John Hagelin Ph.D. – on consciousness and superstring unified field theory.
What is the physics of consciousness? What is consciousness? Where does it come from? What are the origins of consciousness? What are the limits of human potential? Today modern physics can actually give us answers to these very fundamental questions although there’s no consensus yet in the scienctific community about that but with real cutting edge knowledge & discovery of unified superstring field we now understand that life is fundamentally ONE!! That oneness is universal consciousness. Previously many believed that consciousness is created by the brain but today we understand that consciousness is the very core of nature which science calls the unified field & the masters call GOD. Kabir the great mystic very rightly says “Ek noor se sab jaag upja” from the one light of consciousness came into being everything. Today through modern physics we have discovered that at the base of everything, at the very core of nature is a single universal field of intelligence, an ocean of existence at the base of everything mind & matter. How ironically this is the same concept saints & mystics from time to time have revealed to us that beyond mind & matter also known as MAYA there is SAT PURUSH or realm of SAT known as SACH KHAND (true realm) the eternal Ocean of consciousness. According to quantum physics everything is nothing but waves in this universal sea of consciousness known as superstring field or unified field or GOD. Similarly sant mat masters have been teaching us this same fundamental truth throughout the ages that there is one shabd which resonates throughout different dimensions & realities & creates everything by changing it’s frequencies & giving us this vast variety of creation. We only individualize our own consciousness through the filter of our nervous system but in reality everyone of us is united at the core & everyone is in fact the same ONE consciousness. Our very own core which is one, knowing this by virture of experience is called Enlightenment. In quantum mechanics the idea of particle or building blocks of everything is replaced by idea of wave function. A wave function is a vector in a linear space which means it’s made up of the same stuff thoughts are made of. Now a very interesting understanding dawns upon us that this creation is nothing but thoughts of GOD & exist in his MIND or waves in the ocean of superstring field coming into existence in hyperspace. Quantum physics tells us that the deeper you go in the structure of natural law the less dead & inert the universe becomes & it gets more alive, more intelligent, more conscious. The superstring field is a field of pure being, pure intelligence. It’s intelligent because it’s the fountain head of all the laws of nature & all the fundamental forces of nature. They have their unified source in the unified superstring field. This makes the unified field the most concentrated field of intelligence in nature. No wonder why saints call GOD all knowledge the source of everything. Non-material, dynamic, self aware, intelligent etc. these are the properties of the unified field or GOD.
A very interesting example I read in Michio Kaku’s book Parallel Worlds made me realize how Sach khand (realm of truth abode of almighty) is perfect in comparison to other lower realms & our physical realm. It’s like the water when it is in the liquid form it is uniform & smooth, quite like perfect in essence. As it freezes it changes it originality & uniformity & becomes more broken with all the cracks, crystals & bubbles, which is similar to the description santmat gives us that as the shabd power travels to lower realms the purity & perfection of these realms decreases & that’s why none of the other realms are as pure & perfect as Sach Khand (realm of truth).
A question asked to John Hagelin is if this knowledge has been there since ages & as a student of sant mat I can see many vanis of great saints referring to SHABD or NAAM the eternal sound current, the celestial music resonating in various realms, the superstring field which brings into existence this creation simply by vibrating at different resonance, how can it be lost through ages? The answer is that this knowledge is not lost because it is difficult to practice or achieving enlightenment is complicated but because they are too subtle. In order to transcend & experience unbounded awareness the consciousness has to settle down completely which the masters call dhyan or meditation. When we see what is the self, the atma or soul we understand that the self or soul or consciousness or our very subjectivity is the one thing in our life that has never changed. Intangible though it may be & very difficult to comprehend, it’s the one aspect of our self that has been with us since childhood. Everything around us from our beliefs to friends to body etc. changes, but our consciousness or feeling of being or our subjectivity never changes. We may appear different & diverse in physical sense but as we go deeper to the molecular level, the atomic level, the nuclei, the sub atomic levels we find that our source is the same ocean of ONE consciousness.
The most fundamental thing is that we are all connected. We swim in a sea of life, which is the zero point field.
- Lynn Mctaggart
Fred Alan Wolf Ph.D. – on “Poppin the quiff” (Quantum Wave Function)
Dr. Fred Alan Wolf refers to God as God self or our own higher self, the supreme soul. When asked about what is the relationship between our God self & his God self he says that there is no relationship in your God self & my God self because it’s the one & only, same ONE GOD SELF which became many & creates the illusion of us being different with our different personalities. Many people often ask that if we are essentially one & we are part of this supreme consciousness, then how can I as an individual affect the universal consciousness & the answer is that we can affect the universal consciousness by touching & being in touch with the God self or supreme consciousness. Which better explains why masters & mystics can do amazing things with the power of their mind because they do not operate from the level of self in fact they are ONE with the supreme consciousness & that’s why they have the amazing ability to affect universal consciousness. Coming from someone like him who is from the scientific community & although he most probably came to such a profound understanding due to quantum physics & his own scientific knowledge it is important to see how this correlates to what Kabir, Nanak & other saints have been saying that all came from the same ONE supreme soul & it is HE who became this world & brought everything into existence. We live in HIM & yet he is beyond this creation. Another very interesting comment which he makes in the movie “What the bleep do we know” is that there must be a realm, an underlying realm from which our reality comes into being. This is so similar to what masters & sant mat have been telling us since ages that the various realities from SACH KHAND or the true realm are projected as reflections of the realms above & superior to it which explains why many times astral travelers & masters as well, say that our physical reality comes into being from the astral dimension, & not the other way around. Which also explains the phenomenon of aura healing etc. which is done on a subtle level of our astral body & its effects are manifested in this physical realm.
Search for the Sun which never sets ,
Listen to the Music which lasts
throughout eternity.
- Jalal-u-’Din Rumi
Now let us look at how sant mat masters have been telling us this secret of a vibration called shabd which is responsible for the creation of everything. String theory has shown us that these strings are responsible for the creation of our universe & they vibrate at a certain frequency. This vibration of the energy produces music as well which is not heard by us but mystics talk about this energy which produces sound as shabd & they also tell us that it has 2 aspects to it, one of sound & the other of light. The masters teach us the way to meditate & get in touch with this amazing harmony of music of the universe resounding throughout hyperspace. This shabd power as it descends from the highest dimension changes its vibrations & a whole new realm is created by it. Just like the theory, masters tell us this information with confidence that this shabd power does actually work in this way & it’s not a theory but a fact only understood by those who venture into the realms within. Masters also tell us how this shabd has countless melodies & variations & how it creates, sustains & destroys the known creation. They also tell us that this shabd eminates from the supreme being himself which is known as superstring field or zero point field or quantum self or unified field in quantum physics. This shabd which saints speak about is not only sound & light but it’s the creative power of the supreme being. It’s no wonder that our science is slowly getting closer to the truth spoken of by the saints & mystics many years ago.
Dr. Quantum meeting a 2 dimensional entity.
The problems faced by masters in order to explain to us about these higher realms can be understood very well from a wonderful example I saw in the movie “What the bleep do we know – down the rabbit hole” where Dr. Quantum who is in the 3 dimensional world tries to explain to the little entity living in the 2 dimensional world that there are more worlds with higher dimensions it’s living in.
Directors of the movie “What the bleep do we know”.
Its a pity that the followers of santmat also becoming a
prey to misconception. The teaching of the saints is see with
your own eyes. If you do not see with your own eyes,
do not even believe your master.
- Maharaj Sawan Singh ji
Amit Goswami Ph.D. – On quantum physics & consciousness.
“The meaning of quantum physics is really in terms of giving us a new world view that shows clearly how consciousness can be and is the ground of our being. In other words quantum physics enables us to see directly that we can make sense of the world only if we base the world on consciousness. World is made of consciousness, world is consciousness, consciousness is the ground of being, quantum physics makes this as clear as day light.”
By using quantum physics we can calculate the possibilities not the actual outcome. So the next question comes who chooses the result whether which possibility to choose & thus we see clearly that consciousness or an observer is a must for this to happen. With quantum physics we can describe the object & not the subject. So by this we understand that consciousness is more fundamental than the object & thus it’s the ground of being of which objects are part of & not all of it.
A very interesting thing in sant mat & teachings of the masters is that ONE Supreme Being became many & thus the play of the world is created. The masters also tell us that when we reach enlightenment we experience oneness with the universe & we understand that fundamentally all are ONE. Now when we see ourselves from this level of physicality & duality this concept that we all are ONE is hard to comprehend but here’s a very beautiful example about a painting called Drawing Hands by M.C. Escher where the left hand draws the right hand & the right hand draws the left, now according to the picture both come into existence because of the other but the ultimate reality is that both the hands are in reality drawn by M.C. Escher who is outside of the picture & transcends the picture similarly ONE consciousness projects as both subject & object giving rise to duality & in reality both of them come from the same ONE source the Supreme Consciousness which science calls by many names as unified field or superstring field or quantum self. Spirituality & sant mat call it GOD or Supreme Being or Sat Purush which both creates the subject & object & transcends them both.
Drawn by M.C. Escher.
Ramtha – on consciousness
Ramtha is an ancient warrior, conqueror, and ascended Master who lived 35,000 years ago who is channeled by JZ Knight. When asked a question who or what is he? Ramtha answered “I am reality borrowing a body”. Another very interesting explanation Ramtha gave which made me realize why masters don’t judge others & bypass their flaws & show them the path to light, why we judge everyone else around us, it’s because we have the desire to feel superior & the only way mediocracy can feel close to originality is to suppress other mediocracy. It’s never a climb out of mediocracy it’s simply a con game of abuse. The masters on the other hand do not judge us simply because they understand that they already KNOW what we are yet to KNOW. The masters are already superior to us & the fact is that the more you know the greater the love you have for others because the greater one understands everyone. Another very interesting question Ramtha asked JZ Knight must also be answered by everyone one of us & the question is “Are you going to stay in your body & avoid death or you wanna leave it & see that you’ve conquered it”. Saints often tell us to learn to die while living & regain our lost immortality. This process of dying while living is called meditation.
In the Book Parallel Worlds Michio Kaku discusses about how in the future trillions of years later, the civilizations will probably be so advanced that they will create systems & technology by which the living can transport themselves to other hotter universe by traveling through hyperspace, wormholes or travel back in time when our own universe was hot enough to survive. This according to sant mat is not something to look forward in the future but infact has been happening in the past, is happening right now & will continue to happen in the future as well. Those who practice meditation under the guidance of a living master travel to various different dimensions at will & return back to this earth plane. Not only is the travel to other dimensions possible but many know exactly in which dimension they are suppose to go & journey further to higher realms after they die. Scientists under estimate this human body & its technology very much. Since ages saints have been singing great praises of this human body & the wonders within it. Our consciousness is the fastest traveling vehicle in this universe, our body is the best launch pad for travel in higher dimensions & our soul is the perfect entity to accomplish this amazing task without a problem.
Time is reduced as you travel in higher dimensions.
Many times we hear a mystic saying that they travel to far away dimensions & realms when the time of meditation it took them to achieve this amazing voyage is relatively small like 1 or 2 hours. Saints say that as you go higher the duration of time reduces so for example 20 hours of earth time would pass instantaneously on astral & casual regions within a few seconds. To us it would seem like a story blown way out of proportion but does science agree to it?
Amazingly according to Einstein in the spring of 1905 he discovered that time beats at different rates, depending on how fast you move. According to Newton the universe had a constant time clock which ran universally throughout the universe but years later Einstein’s discovery changed the way we look at time, when he combined time with space & gave us space time. Looking at such examples from science it makes us wonder how true the masters & saints are in their amazing discoveries & yet we look upon their revelations from a skeptic’s view.
Andy Newberg M.D. – mystical experiences & reality
Many mystical experiences are often looked at with some degree of skepticism by many but today numerous studies in science & documented cases of these experiences have shown that when a person or a mystic has access to those higher realities his or her perception of this physical reality changes BIG TIME!! It’s like when we see a dream although while the dream is going on, everything in it seems real & vivid but as soon as you wake up in this physical reality the degree of this reality determines the realness of the dream state. So we say that dream was not as real as this reality feels to our consciousness. Similarly when people who meditate & mystics travel to higher realities & have these mystical experiences the degree of realness they experience in those conditions & realities is far more than this physical reality. So when their consciousness returns to this reality & even when they are no longer connected to those higher realities, they consider this reality to be less real then those experiences they had, much like we consider our dream reality less real than the physical reality.
In the movie contact Dr. Arroway tells Palmer Joss about Occam’s Razor which states that "All other things being equal, the simplest solution is the best." which is a basic scientific principle. Then she asks the question whether what’s more likely that an all powerful mysterious God created the universe & then decided not to give any proof of his existence or that he simply doesn’t exists at all. A wise question & that’s exactly what saints from time eternal have been telling us that yes there is an all powerful God & he does give evidence about his existence & proof by sending his beloved souls or spiritual masters who explain to us the mysteries of the cosmos & show us a direct, simple & natural way to reach that supreme being.
In another very interesting scene Palmer asks Dr. Arroway why was she willing to give her life to take such a risk to travel into outer space at the speed of light which could take her life, she answers that as long as she could remember she had been searching for some reason some purpose why we are here, who are we? If this voyage gave a chance to know a little bit of that answer & solve the eternal question of mankind, of why we are here, then she says that it’s probably worth a human life. That’s exactly what history has shown us that saints & masters in different times & era gave their entire life for the pursuit of truth, to answer this question & many times they had to give their lives whether it was Jesus, Guru Arjun Dev ji, Guru Teg Bahadur ji or Mansoor, still they never gave up on human race & since ancient times saints have been coming here & giving us the eternal teachings of our origins only to suffer from our hands because we couldn’t understand them. But yet there has always been hope for the ones who hear the eternal calling of saints & masters & chooses to investigate their realizations by going within & finding out the truth for themselves.
The next interesting part of the movie is where Dr. Arroway tries to tell everyone else that she did take that journey into the unknown, she saw the wonders of the universe, celestial events, other life forms etc. but she has no evidence to prove her realization. It kind of reminds me of how masters & mystics must feel, when they travel billions of light years into our universe, when they travel to many different dimensions & after seeing the spectacles in those realms come back & try to convince us about their existence & truth. We on the other hand always look upon their realizations as myths & concepts. But we never think about the fact that what if all those higher realms & dimensions which these mystics & masters talk about were actually true, what if we all could go there & see their reality firsthand, what if undertaking this grand journey through various creations was the divine plan all along. I think we must listen to the inner navigator of our soul, the inner explorer who wants to explore the wonders of this universe & take the leap of faith because in reality we have nothing to loose, instead we might gain so much more than we ever thought possible.
William Tiller Ph.D. – on how to know more?
He suggests that in order to go deeper into these amazing findings of quantum physics & to really understand it at a deeper level & experience it yourself we must learn to appreciate meditation practices so that we can reduce the noise level inside. Next would be to play with our internal energies with better understanding of our chakra system. Knowing the treasures within our own body shall reveal a whole new world of astonishing realities & amazing experiences. Its only through meditation that our evolution of the soul can be complete.
Amazingly our universe which was expanding at a considerable speed has now increased its speed of expansion, which previously astronomers thought should slow down & within next 150 billion years 99.99999% of the nearest galaxies to our Milky Way will be so far away from us that our telescopes won’t be able to observe them anymore. The same anti gravitiy force which gave rise to the big bang is going to be responsible for its demise leading the universe into a big freeze.
However there are more possibilities to this end. Another scenario is where our universe will stop expanding & achieve a state of equilibrium but that will be very unstable & will cause end of all living beings. The third posibility is that our universe after expanding to a certain level will start to collapse & would return to the singularity point where it all started thus giving rise to another Big bang & a new beginning to a brand new universe. Which also solves the question of what was before the Big bang & gives rise to the possibility of never ending cycle of creation & destruction of universes which is again what masters have been telling us that the creation process continues & this universe has been created many times before & it will continue to be so. Very interesting fact similar to this theory is seen in sant mat where masters define the event of parlay or maha parlay (dissolution or great dissolution) as when the Lord wishes he pulls back his current of shabd or sound current from the creation & the whole creation returns back to him & gets absorbed in him. So we can see how this shabd or sound current or music in the hyperspace is responsible for the creation, it’s sustenance & finally it’s destruction, which is exactly what the teachings of sant mat is. Masters have been telling us about this unique power called shabd or naam which is the creator, destroyer & sustainer of not only this physical universe but also the astral, casual, super casual & spiritual regions & how the dissolution happens only till the realm of super casual regions & sach khand or true realm is eternal & never changes much like the superstring field of quantum physics but as far as I see quantum physics may refer to that superstring unified field of existence but it cannot understand it completely just by virtue of knowledge because even physics doesn’t venture in the singularity field which was before the Big bang as it is out of physical comprehension & this is exactly what saints & masters have been telling us that God or even the astral regions are far beyond the grasp of human intellect & you need to transcend mind & intellect to actually experience those higher realities & understand them from a different level of being.
I assume that our Universe did indeed appear from
nowhere about 1010 years ago
I offer the modest proposal
that our Universe is simply
one of those things
which happens from time to time.
- Edward Tryon
Interestingly ancient wisdom in the Vedas & other scriptures has also pointed us towards this direction that our universe is a part of an ongoing event of creation, sustenance & destruction. Sant mat also tells us how when this shabd is pulled out of this creation we witness what is called parlay (dissolution) & maha parlay (great dissolution) & again when another creation is created the lord manifests the shabd from sach khand again & as it travels down towards the grosser creation, our physical universe is again formed & the evolution process continues. As these numerous waves upon waves travel from Sach Khand (Pure spiritual region) to our physical realm it produces many creations along the way. Thus when we see that our universe is expanding it explains how our universe is another ripple of those great waves of shabd or superstrings of quantum physics resounding in the entire cosmos & how the wave of shabd or sound current is the driving force behind this expansion & big bang.
Even after seeing the amazing things in front of us, even after we are amazed on every step by this wonderful creation, even after so many advancements in science & technology & still we are totally dumbfounded by many mysteries of this cosmos & even after understanding it without a doubt that the mastery & precision with which this creation is created, it is impossible for such an amazing event to happen without an intelligent being governing each & every process of it, we still raise a stupid question of whether God or a supreme being is a fact or a fantasy. In the conclusion to Principia, Newton declares, “The most beautiful system of the sun, planes and comets could only proceed from the counsel and dominion of an intelligent and powerful Being.” If Newton discovered the laws of motion, then there must be a divine lawgiver. Einstein, too, was convinced of the existence of what he called the Old One, but one who did not intervene in the affairs of men. His goal, instead of glorifying God, was to “read the Mind of God.” He would say, “I want to know how God created this world. I am not interested in this phenomenon or that. I want to know God’s thoughts. The rest are details.” Einstein would justify his intense interest in these theological matters by concluding, “Science without religion is lame. But religion without science is blind.” How can we as souls not be amazed at the grand design, I think now is the best time in history for our spiritual advancement & it’s time for us to realize in its truest sense that “We are spiritual beings going through a human experience.” Our destiny was not to wander about in this ocean of creation aimlessly but infact our creator had a specific design planned for us so that we may learn in this school called earth (and many others like it) & realize our true potential & return back to our source, our true home & fulfill the divine plan. One line in the movie Contact which is an answer to the question asked by a child to Dr. Arroway whether, is there life on other planets, which I find really cool is as follows “The universe is a pretty big place, it’s bigger than anything anyone has ever dreamed of before. So if it’s just us, seems like an awful waste of space.” Being a skeptic is not bad but if it prevents us from putting the teachings of the saints to practice & see firsthand their truth then it’s not a healthy sign. I hope you enjoyed this journey through metaphysics, quantum realities, sant mat & essence of spiritual truth. When science & spirituality are converging towards one point I think it’s time for us to stop being a skeptic & dismiss the magnificent truths & revelations of the saints & mystics & listen to our inner explorer & undertake this journey into the cosmos ourselves & realize the ultimate reality & be one with IT.
By Thy Grace I remember my Light,
and now gone is my delusion.
My doubts are no more, my faith is firm;
and now I can say 'Thy Will be done'.
- Bhagavad Gita
"Guru gobind dono khade Kake lagu paaye Balihari guru aapne Jin gobind diyo bataye"
This & many such interesting vanis of kabir are known to us. His interesting & straight forward way of telling the truth is what makes him stand out from rest of the mystics of the past. Although Kabir spoke very clearly about his views on metaphysics & spiritual matters, some of his vanis were so difficult to understand that many contradictions & misinterpretations arise due to this. As a student of spirituality I read & listen to most of the current masters & I found something very strange in the path called Sant Mat. Sant Mat or the way of saints is a pretty straight forward way which guides us to self realization & eventually God realization but somehow I found certain masters or so called masters who taught wrong interpretations & concepts about kabir’s vani & this gave rise to many problems among the various sant mat groups. I couldn’t understand how could truth be different? Saints may describe it differently but its essence & realization cannot be different for one & different for someone else. Since I found many so called masters creating so much confusion about his vanis which leads to a huge problem for the seekers after truth especially those who want to know more about sant mat, I thought its time to bring out the truth of kabir’s realization as I understood it. This post is especially designed to clarify those problems which I & many others like me faced when we wanted to come to the conclusion of what kabir meant in his various vanis about the absolute. I’m not the final authority on sant mat but I guess after reading the vanis & the explanations it’ll be much easier for students of spirituality to understand how some so called masters are fooling the seekers due to their ignorance. Since the post is a bit long please read the heading to read about the particular topic which you wanted to clarify.
“The way to truth is one, it cannot be many. You may start at any path you want but eventually it has to merge in the one stream of truth which leads to the absolute.”
Topics of this post :-
***Salvation while living*** ***Kabir’s eternal home*** ***Kabir’s formless God*** ***Found inside the body*** ***Between the eyes lies the path of the saints*** ***A true master A Satguru*** ***Saar shabd or Sound current*** ***Some more wrong concepts about Kabir’s teachings*** ***A false master*** ***Some final words for the seeker*** ***My thanks***
***Salvation while living***
The first vani which I would like to talk about is “Jite ji mukti”. The biggest misunderstanding about salvation among seekers is that they will get mukti (salvation) after death. Their masters promise them paradise after their death. So let us see what kabir says about it.
**Hindi Version**
Sadho bhai jeevat hi karo aasa Jeevat samjhe jeevat bujhe, jeevat mukti nivasa Jeeyat karam ki phans na kaati, mue mukti ki aasa Tan chute jeev Milan kahtu hai, so saab jhuti aasa Abahon mila so tabahon milega, nahi to jampur vasa Door door dhonde maan lobhi, mite na garbh tarasa Saadh sant ki kare na bandgi, kate karam ki phansa Sat gahe satgur ko chinhe, satnaam bisvasa Kahe kabir sadhan hitkari, hum sadhan ke dasa
**English Version**
O friend, rely only on that which you get while living. Learn while you are living, while living realize Him. While living attain the state of liberation. O friend, rely only on that which you get while living. While living you did not shatter the shackles of karmas. Yet you expect to gain salvation after death! O friend, rely only on that which you get while living. Those who say after death your soul will merge in God Only give you false assurances. Whatever you gain now will be with you hereafter Or you’ll become a citizen of Yama’s domain. O friend, rely only on that which you get while living. The deluded wander seeking God in remote and distant places, but it does not end the agony of their visits to the womb. Only if they adore the saints will the noose of their karmas be cut. O friend, rely only on that which you get while living. Know the truth, hold onto it, Realize the true master and build faith in the true name. The saints o Kabir are my benefactors and I their slave.
In another vani kabir says
**Hindi Version**
Jeevat mukt soe mukta ho Jab lag jeevan mukta nahi, tab lag dukh sukh bhukta ho Deh sang na hovai mukta, mue mukt kahain hoe ho Tirathbasi hoe na mukta, mukt na dharni soe ho Jeevat bharam ki phans na kati, mue mukti ki aasa ho Jal pyasa jaise nar koi, sapne phire pyasa ho Hoe ateet bandhan te chute, jahain icha tahan jaee ho Bina ateet sada bandhan mein, kitahon jani na payi ho Avagaman se gaye chutike, sumiri naam abinasi ho Kahe kabir soe jan guru hai, kati bharam ki fhansi ho
**English Version**
He alone is liberated who gains liberation while living. Until one attains salvation in his lifetime, He will continue to suffer both pleasure and pain. If while living in the body liberation is not attained, How can one after death obtain salvation? He alone is liberated who gains liberation while living. By spending one’s entire life in holy places liberation Cannot be had, nor by making bare earth one’s bed. While living, if a man fails to cut the deadly noose of delusion but looks forward to liberation after death, He is like the thirsty man who thirsty remains Even after visions of water in his dreams. He alone is liberated who gains liberation while living. He who becomes detached, who gains freedom from his bonds, he can, while living, go where he likes. He who is not detached, who is chained to his bonds, Cannot go beyond his ties. He alone is liberated who gains liberation while living. Through the practice of the everlasting one’s name he has severed the chain of coming and going--- Such is my master; he has delivered Kabir from delusion’s deadly noose. He alone is liberated who gains liberation while living.
*Most religions, holy books and paths promise salvation after death, after the soul leaves this world of matter. But the saints neither attach importance to such promises nor give similar assurances to their disciples, for they say that a worldly person will not turn into a holy man after death, nor an illiterate person become a great scholar. They tell their diciples to rely only on what they achieve while living and while living reach the region of liberation----the region from where they will not be required to return to this world of birth and death. The spiritual heights a man attains while living will be his even after death. In these two poems Kabir says that the inner regions of bliss that the Saints speak of are to be reached through spiritual practice during one’s lifetime. The shackles of karma, which keep man tied to the circle of transmigration, must be broken while living. A person who is born within the bonds of karma, who lives in them, strengthens them through his good and bad actions and also dies in them, will not suddenly become free from them through the agency of death. Kabir says that if a man breaks the bonds during his lifetime, he will while living become free to go to the inner spiritual regions at will and reach the state of liberation. But in order to attain this high state a devotee must give up his delusions; try to realize what is true, seek the association of a perfect Master and undertake the practice of Nam under his directions.
***Kabir’s eternal home***
Next I would like to show you the vani called “Aisa desh humara”. In this vani kabir talks about his eternal home sach khand or satlok.
**Hindi Version**
Maharam hoye so jaane sadho, aisa desh humara Ved kiteb paar nahi pavat, kahan sunan se nyara Jaati baran kul kiriya nahi, sandhya nem uchara Bin jal boond parat jahain bhari, nahi mitha nahi khara Sunn mahal mein naubat baje, kingri been sitara Bin badar jahan bijuri chamke, bin suraj ujiyara Bina seep jahain moti upaje, bin sur shabd uchara Jyoti lajaye brahm jahain darase, aage agam apara Kahe kabir wahan rahani humari, bujhe gurmukh pyara
**English Version**
Who shares my secret alone knows o friend The mystery of my homeland Vedas and holy books have no clue to my home; neither speech, nor speculation, nor reason, nor intellect can ever fathom it. Who shares my secret alone knows o friend the mystery of my homeland. Where there is neither caste, nor color, nor lineage, Where neither ceremonies, nor rituals prayers, nor canonic laws hold sway; such is my homeland o friend. Where rain pours down drops with a divine taste--- Neither salty nor sweet; where in the mansion of sunn Endlessly reverberate the sonorous melodies Of kingri, sitar and been. Who shares my secret alone knows, o friend, The mystery of my homeland. Where lighting flashes without clouds, where dazzling light shines without a sun, where pearls of radiant sheen form without mother of pearl, where the sweet music of divine voice resounds without a speaker, without rhythm or tone; such is my homeland, o friend. Where all the lights of the world put together, fade with shame before the light of the region of Brahm. Beyond that; beyond, in the realm of the inaccessible, the boundless, is the land where lives kabir--- But only a gurmukh will, through love, reach my home; only he who shares my secret will know and attain that homeland of mine, o friend.
*The inner spiritual region of supreme bliss is the home of saints, but Kabir says that the material limits of human vocabulary make it impossible to describe that land. It cannot be understood through erudition, analysis or intellectual speculation. The conditions of this world of phenomena do not exist there: although there is dazzling light, there is no source that produces it, it exists by itself; the melody of shabd called the divine voice by Kabir is not dependent on an instrument or singer and although saints have tried to describe the shabd experienced by a devotee on different levels of consciousness as melodies of kingri, sitar and been it is without rhythm, cadence or tone. In order to comprehend the beauty and brilliance of that region a seeker has to go within and see it for himself. But only a devoted disciple who has surrendered his entire self to the master and lives in his will; who has vanquished his mind, turned his face away from the world and looks only towards his master; who loves and adores his master and none else, looking upon him as God in human form only such a gurmukh will reach the land of saints. Kabir says that through one pointed love the devotee reaches that land and shares supreme bliss with the saints; only he will know about the land where kabir lives.
**My Commentary**
One of many false teachings which these so called masters are giving out is that God is with a body like that of humans which is so weird because according to saints & sant mat where there is maya there is body or form. They try to put the infinite into finite. Kabir says God’s light is the greatest & these gurus talk about that formless God as one who has a body.
The following vani shall clear any doubts about whether God is with a body or no. Many so called masters teach their disciples that in the final abode there are many things just like here, we have a body like that of humans & even God is in a body of human being so lets see what Kabir says about this.
**Hindi Version**
Hum basi us desh ke, jahan jaati kul nahi Shabd malava hoe rahe, deh milava nahi
Hum basi us desh ke, jahan parbrahm ka khel Deepak jare agam ka, bin baati bin tel
Bin pavan ka panth hai, bin basti ka desh Bina deh ka purush hai, kahe kabir sandesh
**My commentary**
Here again kabir says that my eternal home has no caste, creed or religion. There only the shabd (sound current) can take you & your body cannot go there. There the divine play of the Lord goes on & the divine lamp of eternity is always shinning in that region without oil or wick. There is no civilization there & there resides the formless God without a body this is the message Kabir wants to give us.
Another interesting fact which we need to look at is the way he describes how there this divine music is playing. This music is called shabd or sound current. It’s not just music but it’s God’s power which has brought everything into existence. It manifests as divine light & sound from God’s own being. It travels through all the regions below & gives life & sustains this vast creation. Many false masters again say that this is not the real shabd or shabd is something else, again they try to deceive the seeker with such false information. Today even theories like String theory or M theory have revealed such amazing facts about a divine vibration & music of the cosmos which holds this universe into place & soon I’ll try to publish another post in which I’ll try to share how Metaphysics & Quantum physics are coming closer to sant mat & the divine wisdom of saints which they gave many years ago. This shabd changes in frequency & due to this many melodies are produced & the result is this vast variety of creation before us. The student must note here that this shabd or sound current as it travels from region to region is described by different names such as anahad shabd which resounds till brahmand or the 2nd region (casual region), beyond that resounds the saar shabd in super casual regions, then comes the sat shabd which resounds in super casual & spiritual regions & is contacted in Par Brahm (super casual regions) & finally the adi shabd or primal sound which goes beyond sach khand (pure spiritual region) & becomes soundless sound. Many times some masters have not divided the shabd in so many levels so they describe it as anahad sahabd til par brahm & beyond that is saar shabd so a student must take both concepts into consideration. Students must be careful because many false gurus teach that this shabd is a power which only they can give you from outside or that saar shabd is some secret mantra etc. So seekers should be very careful about all this non-sense & understand that nothing from outside is required, all these various shabds can be contacted from within the body not without. The only thing is that a true master’s radiant form should be contacted in the astral regions, if it doesn’t manifest then you can search for a true master again. Apart from that, naam or shabd etc. is already inside your body & the master only helps you to attach your soul to this energy which you already possess although the soul is never seperated from shabd or naam but a soul is neither aware of it's existence and does not have the power to perceive higher sound currents, this process is done at the time of naam daan or initiation where the master simply turns the tendency of the soul currents from downwards & outwards to upwards & inwards along with this the master attaches his astral form or radiant form with your soul which you can contact when you go to the astral regions. The only catch is that anahad shabd cannot take you beyond brahmand (casual) & maximum upto par brahm (super casual) regions so you need a perfect master who knows the way ahead & can take you there. That is why Kabir in one of his vanis says that at a point even the anahad shabd ends, after that only saar shabd can take you ahead. The only difference is that saar shabd reverberates in the higher realms than where the anahad shabd can reach, so it's called saar shabd, but in reality it's the same shabd or sound current which resounds in different realms, only becuase of the difference in the level of spirit in those realms saints have explained the higher sound currents as saar shabd, sat shabd etc. Saints also give a beautiful example to explain the changes in shabd from pure spiritual regions down to the gross regions of physical realm, they say that just like the river which originates from the mountains and flows towards the sea it changes in intensity at various places, somewhere it is fast, somewhere it is slow, somewhere it makes a lot of sound and somewhere it is very calm. Similarly shabd also changes it's harmonies and intensity as it travels from the higher spiritual regions of pure spirit to these gross regions of physical reality we see around us. This is why you need to receive initiation from a living master who knows the way beyond brahm & par brahm regions.
In another very famous vani of kabir known as “Kar naino deedaar” he speaks about this celestial music in sach khand or the pure spiritual regions the abode of all the souls. A small example is given below.
**Hindi Version**
Sohan haad taji tab bhai, satlok ki haad punni payi Uthat sugandh maha adhikayi, jako vaar na para hai
Shodash bhanu hans ko rupa, bina sat dhun baje anupa Hansa kare chanvar sir bhupa, sat purush darbara hai Kotin bhanu uday jo hoye, aisa purush deedara hai
**English Version**
Then the outskirts of Sat Lok anear. Where emanate sweet fragrances galore, Mysterious, ineffable evermore.
Each hansa there in the light of sixteen suns is bathed, and the wondrous music of the lute is ever being played. The whisk do flourish hansas over the sovereign's crown. Such is the court of Him who as Sat Purush is known. Ten million suns appearing, as many moons a nearing, their light in insignificance fades, before refulgence that one hair of His pervades. Such is the glory of that Deity.
**My commentary**
So this shows us very clearly that in that region of light there is a divine sound or shabd which resounds from eternity. One more thing which usually people get confused about is why Kabir calls God as purush or man. Here we need to understand that Kabir used such words so that we could understand it in our level of knowledge & understanding & not take it literally that God is a man like creature & further evidence of him being formless one will be given to make this point more clear.
***Kabir’s formless God***
In this vani we shall see how kabir describes that formless God & what words he used to talk about him which are again confused by many.
**Hindi Version**
Ek niranjan alah mera, hindu turk duhon nahi nera Rakhun barat na maah ramjana, tishi sumirun jo rahe nidhana Puja karun na nimaaj gujarun, ek nirakar hiraday namaskarun Na haaj jaaun na tirath puja, ek pachaniya tau ka duja Kahe kabir bharam sab bhaga, ek niranjan siu maan laga
**English Version**
Pure and supreme is my allah; hindus and turks have both failed even to reach his vicinity. Pure and supreme is my lord. I undertake no fasts, nor observe the canons of ramazan month; I only repeat the name of the one who is the ultimate. I will not indulge in worship nor engage myself in namaz for I bow to the formless one within my own heart. Pure and supreme is my lord. I will not journey to the holy kaaba nor will I visit pilgrim places I have recognized the one within my own self--- Why need I run after others? Pure and supreme is my lord. Says Kabir all my delusion has vanished I am absorbed in the one pure and supreme. Hindus have failed and so have the turks even to reach his vicinity pure and supreme is my Allah.
*Kabir refers to the different modes of worship adopted by hindus and muslims in India and says that they have both failed to reach anywhere near God because they do not know the true way to worship him. The muslims undertake day long fasts during the month of ramazan they worship God through the ritual form of obeisance called namaz and they journey to the holy kaaba. The hindus fast on their pious days of the month, worship idols in temples, and travel to sixty eight holy places in India. A true devotee says kabir keeps himself engaged in the repetition of the name; he knows that God resides in the human body, therefore he goes within and bows at his feet in his own heart----the eye centre and having realized him within he has no need to go to the various holy places in the outside world. Men address him with many names, but the lord of Kabir is nameless he is pure & supreme.
**My commentary**
Very interesting thing about this vani is that Kabir calls God as Niranjan. Most people think that niranjan is the name of Kaal or negative power who is also known as Kaal Niranjan but here Kabir uses this name for God. Most people take wrong meanings of these words & confuse others. Niranjan means without dirt, one who is pure so it can be used for God also. Therefore the student must understand that many words are used in different places for different things. One must not get confused by words alone & try to understand its true meaning. Again here Kabir has clearly said that my lord is formless so masters who preach Kabir’s teachings & say that God is in human form in satlok should at least consider what Kabir has to say about that formless God.
Some more vanis in which Kabir has described the Lord.
**English Version**
Who has neither face nor forehead Who is neither handsome nor ugly Whose reality is finer than the fragrance of flowers Such is He, the Unique One.
Kabir Granthavali - pg.47:36:4
**English Version**
He is within the body Yet bodiless is He In his spirit form He pervades countless realms Yet he has no color, no shape.
Kabir Sakhi Sangrah - pg.105:11
**English Version**
Within the soul in Shabd form Resides the unalloyed The invisible One Only that seeker sees Him Who has received from the Master The gift of Naam - (initiation into practice of Naam or Shabd)
Kabir Sakhi Sangrah - pg.105:5
***Found inside the body***
Now let us see where Kabir found his formless lord. Did he find him in the mountains or was the lord hiding in rivers or may be the lord was sitting in some big temple made of gold or silver. Well let us ask Kabir what he thinks about this subject.
**Hindi Version**
Ab ghatee pargat bhaye ramrai, sodhi sareer kanak ki nahi Kanak kasauti jaise kasi leyi sunara, sodhi sareer bhayo tan sara Upajat upajat bahut upayi, maan thir bhayo tabyi tithi payi Bahari khojat janam gamaya, unmani dhyan ghat bhitar paya Bin parachey tan kaanch kathira, parachey kanchan bhaya kabira
**English Version**
The lord has revealed himself to me within my body; My entire being cleansed now shines like pure gold. Just as the goldsmith essays gold on the touchstone, I have been put to the test and made whole. One after another many births I took; Many paths I followed to escape this relentless cycle. Only when I made my mind still did I attain the state Of lasting repose. I searched and searched for him In external pursuits, but wasted the precious days Of my human life. When I became absorbed in the realm Beyond mind and maya Within my own body I found the lord. Without knowing him I was base metal On realizing him Kabir became gold precious and pure.
*Kabir describes the devotee’s bliss on realizing the lord. He has found God within his own body. As a goldsmith tests the purity of gold on the touchstone, the devotee who has purified his entire being through meditation is tested by the lord and made whole. The devotee now realizes that all the time he spent searching for God through external observances, rites and rituals was a waste of his precious human birth. When he conquers his mind and through meditation and concentration crosses the regions of mind and maya----the third stage in his spiritual journey----only then does he realize the lord within his own body.
In another vani kabir says similar thing
**Hindi Version**
Tera sai tujhi mein hai, jyon pahupan mein baas Kasturi ka mrig jyon, phiri phiri dhondhe ghaas
Jyon til mahi tel hai, jyon chakmak mein aag Tera sai tujhmein hai, jaag saake to jaag
**My commentary**
Here in the first vani kabir says just like the deer searching for the sweet fragrance which is coming from nowhere when in fact it is coming from it’s own navel but due to ignorance it searches here & there for it, we are looking for the lord in the wrong places when he is within us. Kabir says just like there’s oil in til----a grain from which oil is extracted----& just like chakmak has fire in it, similarly the lord is within us & we can find him within our own body. Many masters teach the wrong concepts like Kabir didn’t tell us to do any meditation inside the body they tell the disciples to put their concentration above your body & similar things, when they fail to realize that even if you concentrate above your body you still have to cross through the eye centre & go to higher regions, so above the body is just another way to fool ignorant students. Further we will elaborate on this point where Kabir tells us to concentrate at the eye centre.
In another vani he says
**Hindi Version**
Sadho aisa dhoondh andhiyara Ya ghat antar baag bageche, yahi mein sirjanhara Ya ghat antar saat samundar, yahi mein nau lakh tara Ya ghat antar hira moti, yahi mein parakhanhara Ya ghat antar anahad garaje, yahi mein uthat phunkara Kahat kabir suno bhai sadho, yahi mein guru humara
**My commentary**
Again Kabir says there is darkness in this world. He says in this body are many gardens and in this body lives the creator. In this body are seven seas and in this body are 9 lakh stars. In this body are diamonds, pearls & the lord. In this body resounds the unstruck melody and it’s vibrations. Thus Kabir says in this body I found my master.
***Between the eyes lies the path of the saints***
Now let us look at this highly debatable topic of where Kabir has told us to look for our way back home. Many false masters say not to do meditation & they say you’ll reach satlok after death by doing some jaap or simran (repeating certain words) as if God was some toy you get so easily. On top of that people don’t want to put any effort whatsoever to find God or do any devotion towards that supreme being, in this age of fast food people have made God fast food as well. Some masters mislead students by saying that do meditation above your head & not at the eye centre so lets see what Kabir says.
**Hindi Version**
Murshid naino beech nabi hai Syah safed talon beech tara, avigat alakh rabi hai Aakhin madhye pankhi chamake, pankhi madhye dwara Tehi dware durbeen lagawai, utare bhaujal para Sunn sahar mein baas humara, tahein sarbangi gave Sahib kabir sada ke sangi, shabd mahal le aave
**English Version**
Between the two eyes is the master The messenger of the lord. Between the black and the white moles Is the shinning star, and within the star dwells That unknown and unseen lord. Between the eyes is the master, the messenger of God. Between the eyes shines a tiny petal And within the petal is the hidden door On that door adjust your telescope Thus with ease go across the world’s deadly sea. Between the eyes is the master, the messenger of God. In the city of sunn I reside o friend Where resounds the melody in its all pervading force. Now the master and Kabir are eternal companions, And he leads Kabir within to the mansion of shabd. Between the eyes is the master, the messenger of God.
*The spiritual path of the saints starts from the eye centre, a point between and behind the two eyes. Kabir calls it a star, a petal and the door for going within and says that the master is also within the disciple’s eye centre. When the disciple withdraws his consciousness from the body and enters the eye centre, he takes the first step in his inner spiritual journey. On going further he meets his master in his radiant or shabd form. This form is not physical it is the master’s spiritual form which he projects from the shabd. In his shabd form the master is always present within the disciple. This is what Kabir means when he says that the master is “between the eyes”. From here onwards the master accompanies the disciple on his inner journey to the higher spiritual regions. He is disciple’s true friend and well-wisher because he neither leaves the disciple at the time of death nor even afterwards. He is always with him in his shabd form and leads him to the home of shabd----the abode of the lord.
***A true master A Satguru***
Now let is see what Kabir says about a Satguru a true master. Many false masters boast about their powers, they say things like I’m the only true master, they also say that what I have none other in this whole creation have etc. But a seeker must be very careful about such masters who brag about their achievements because a true master is the embodiment of humility & they never say they are the only master in fact they always address themselves as servants of the lord & our friend.
**Hindi Version**
Avadhu bhule ko ghar lave, so jan hum ko bhave Ghar mein jog bhog ghar hi mein, ghar taji ban nahi jave Ban ke gaye kalapana upaje, tab dhaon kahain samave Ghar mein jukti mukti ghar hi mein, jo guru alakh lakhave Sahaj sunn mein rahe samana, sahaj Samadhi magave Unmani rahe brahm ko cheene, param tat ko dhyave Surat nirat so mela karike, anahad naad bajave Ghar mein basat basatu bhi ghar hai, ghar hi basatu milave Kahe kabir suno ho abadhu, jyon ka tyon thaharave
**English Version**
He who brings the lost traveler back home Him I like and admire o friend Within the home is all joy within the home is true union Do not give up home and run to forests. If desires assail your mind in the wilderness Where will you run for shelter? Who leads the lost one home him I like, I love o friend. Within the home is the way, within the home is salvation But only if the master reveals that unseen truth within Then with ease you will enter sunn you will become entranced In the realm of sahaj your mind will turn inwards And realize the universal mind the soul will contemplate On the ultimate truth. Through the union of surat and nirat The soul will play the unstruck music. Who leads the lost one home him I like, I love o friend. Your home is the place of practice In your home lies the hidden treasure In the home alone will it be found. Says kabir listen my friend reach that home From where you once came.
*In this poem Kabir explains some of the main aspects of sant mat. God resides within the human body and the bliss of union with him can only be attained by going within. Men seek him outside but fail to find him. They renounce the world and seek the seclusion of forests and mountains but the obstacles of mind, desires and cravings cannot be overcome by turning one’s face away from the world. The perfect master removes the veil of delusion from the devotee’s mind shows him the way to find God in the “home” of his body and helps him to realize the lord through the practice of shabd. When mind and soul withdraw from the nine portals of the body and go beyond the eye centre, mind merges back in its origin----brahm or the universal mind. The soul becomes free to proceed further in the pure regions of spirit called “sunn” by saints and on going even higher realizes the ultimate truth----the lord.
**My commentary**
Also many think that the master should be a bachelor & not married & say that kabir said "jaka guru grahi hoe chela grahi hoe" which means that if your master is a family man his devotee will also be indulged in his family but the reality is by this Kabir meant that if your master is into worldy things you cannot get out of them as well, Kabir did not mean that a master who is married cannot be a true master infact most of the masters of the past including Kabir were married & had children it's only their followers who create myths like they adopted children or such similar stories to unnecessarily try to prove that they are divine beings who cannot have families. Its funny how spirituality is a matter of inner journey & not outer conditions like having a family or no.
***NAAM, Word, Saar shabd or Sound current***
Now let us see what is this shabd & how Kabir describes it. Many false masters say it’s a power which only they have & only they can give you well let’s see where does Kabir say this shabd resides.
**Hindi Version**
Sadho shabd sadhana kije Jehi shabd te pargat bhaye sab, soee shabd gahi lije Shabd hi guru, shabd suni shishya bhi, shabd so birla bujhe Soee shishya soee guru mahatam, jehi antargati sujhe Shabdayi bed puran kahat hai, shabd hi sab thaharavaee Shabd hi sur nar munijan gave, shabd bhed nahi pave Shabd suni suni bhekh dharat hain, shabd kahe anuragi Shat darshan sab shabd kahat hain, shabd kahe bairagi Shabdayi maya jan utapani, shabdayi keri pasara Kahe kabir jahain shabd hot hai, tavan bhed hai nyara
**English Version**
Apply yourself o friend to the practice of shabd The shabd from which even the creator came into being Imprint that shabd on your heart o friend The Vedas and scriptures extol the merits of shabd The shabd that sustains all shabds in the world Men, sages and gods sing its praises yet its mystery they know not. Imprint that shabd on your heart o friend. Shabd is the master and listening to shabd One becomes a disciple but rare are they who know The true meaning of shabd. Shabd is the real master, shabd is the disciple’s soul too Only he knows this who goes within and realized the shabd. Imprint that shabd on your heart o friend. Between shabd and shabd there is a vast difference churn the primal shabd and realize the truth o friend. Who does not taste this true shabd his life o kabir, His achievements are all a waste.
*Calling upon the devotee to adopt the practice of shabd Kabir explains what saints mean by this term. Shabd is the power of the supreme being that has created the creator of the 3 worlds, kaal or the negative power. Even this world of illusion has also come into being from the power of shabd or the divine word and is sustained by it. It is the form in which the lord pervades the entire creation. Although most scriptures, holy men and schools of philosophy talk about shabd, they are not aware of its true nature and identity. Its secret is in the hands of the saints or perfect masters and it can be experienced, not spoken, expounded upon or analyzed. Kabir distinguishes this divine word or shabd from the words that can be spoken, written and read. The written words can point to the real word, can extol its merits, but cannot take its place. Men try to obtain shabd through renunciation austerities and yogic practice. But Kabir says that these paths and practices can never open the gates of shabd. True detachment and desirelessness come as a natural result of the practice of shabd and when the disciple goes within and contacts shabd, he develops true love for the lord.
Now let us see some more vanis to understand the true nature of shabd & see how Kabir describes them.
**Hindi Version**
Raas gagan gupha mein ajar jhare Bin baje jhankar uthe jahain, samajh pare jab dhyan dhare Dasve dvare tadi lagi, alakh purush ja ko dhyan dhare Kaal karaal nikat nahi ave, kaam krodh madh lobh jare Kahe kabir suno bhai sadho, amar hoye kabhu na mare
**My commentary**
I’ve shortened this vani so that I may share only the relevant part about shabd. Here Kabir says that there the mystical sound resounds in the inverted cave where without instruments music is being played, his consciousness is now absorbed in the 10th door which is also known as eye centre taking into consideration the 9 outer doors of the body, Kabir says kaal the negative power doesn’t come near now neither do the 5 sins of lust, anger, greed, jealousy etc. thus Kabir says you become immortal.
**Hindi Version**
Panche shabd anahad baje sang sarang pani Kabir das teri aarti kini nirankar nirbani
**My commentary**
Again I’ve shortened this vani to discuss the relevant part about how shabd resounds in 5 major melodies. Here Kabir says that the anahad shabd or (sound current) resounds in 5 major melodies & Kabir worships this bani or celestial music which is formless & is the projection of God’s own creative power which brought everything into being, sustains it & destroys it.
I would like to share another concept which many masters use to deceive seekers. There’s a very controversial vani which says
**Hindi vani**
Panch shabd aur pancho mudra vahain nishchaye kar jana Uske aage purush puratan usi khabar na jana Siddh saadh trideva aadile Panch shabd mein aatake Mudra saadh rahe ghat bhitar Phir aundhe mu latake Param pusursh ghar adhar taar hai adhar taar ke aage Uske aage koi na bakhane sabhi shabd mein baage Satguru kahe bujhae ke bujho antar meri aana Aapa khoe aap ko cheene to mile thor thikana Iske aage bhed humara jaane ga koi jaanan hara Kahe kabir jaane ga wahi jispar kripa satguru ki hoi
**My commentary**
These false masters tell the seekers that siddhas, sadhaks etc. use 5 holy words & do mudras & remain inside their body & do not achieve salvation so these words are 5 mudras used by them. Thus the student who reads this vani thinks that these 5 words are not the right way to go. But if one really reads carefully what Kabir meant then they’ll see that Kabir says that these siddhas, sadhaks etc. associate these 5 words with 5 mudras called khechari, bhuchari, chacheri, agochari & unmani. Student must understand that the words are not mudras at all, these mudras are done by body kriyas or positions or use of some part of the body to achieve a particular mudra. Few genuine Sant mat masters give these 5 words as guru mantra not because these 5 words are mudras but because they in reality represent those 5 grand divisions of the creation. Siddhas, sadhaks etc. do not know the secret of shabd (sound current) so they associate these 5 words with 5 mudras & that is why they cannot reach the region of saints. In another vani Kabir says that the Lord produced these 5 major melodies from his own being & thus the logic of sant mat says that by following these 5 major melodies the student can reach their source which is the lord himself thus these 5 words represent those 5 major melodies & regions not 5 mudras but false masters again confuse people with wrong interpretations of such vanis. Many genuine masters do not necessarily give these 5 words as guru mantra so a student must keep in mind this as well but must beware of masters who fool people by saying that these 5 words are 5 mudras which is not true at all. In sant mat the student collects ones soul currents to the eye centre & goes ahead into the higher realms this is not a mudra which some people get confused about. Also many students of sant mat think that these 5 words are the naam which Kabir speaks about which is again false because these words cannot take you anywhere. Kabir says that naam or shabd cannot come in the spoken or written language thus he refers to the sound current as naam or shabd and not these words. They are only used to calm the mind and collect your soul currents to the eye centre and their importance increases because they are given to the disciple by a true master and they contain his or her powers but they alone cannot take you anywhere.
***Some more wrong concepts about Kabir’s teachings***
Many get confused about why Kabir says that my lord is beyond both sargun (with form) and nirgun (without form) lords. Kabir here talks like this because he wants us to know that sargun and nirgun both are produced by shabd which is beyond them. Nirgun Brahm the lord of the 3 worlds is also known as kaal or the negative power and it is this entity which transforms into sargun gods & goddesses like Krishna, Shiva, Durga etc. This brahm is also formless therefore in many vanis kabir calls him nirakar as well, brahm is also known as kaal and many souls believe that this formless brahm is the supreme being so a student must not confuse this formless brahm with sat purush. The stage of brahm is upto trikuti or the second stage on the inner journey and he is the lord of the 3 worlds namely physical, astral and casual. But even brahm is produced by shabd & thus Kabir says my lord is higher than both sargun and nirgun. So following shabd the disciple crosses the stage of brahm and reaches the source of shabd which is the true lord known as sat purush (true being), anaami purush (nameless one) or radhasoami (lord of the souls). Because brahm is also formless some masters confuse seekers that God is not formless, but is it really this hard to understand whether is he formless or no? We are souls or consciousness, if we are formless since consciousness is formless what will be the store house of consciousness be like? Ofcourse that ocean of all consciousness is formless too but false masters again confuse students and say that God is beyond formless and if we ask them then what is he with form or formless? Then they say you cannot describe him which is funny because formless cannot be described as well.
***A false master***
Also some false gurus give naam daan by whispering in your ears some secret mantra again Kabir warns us about such guru or masters in this vani
**Hindi Version**
Guru guru mein bhed hai, guru guru mein bhav Soee guru nit bandiye, jo shabd batave daav Kaanphuka guru haad ka, behad ka guru aur Behad ka guru jab mile, tab lahe thikana thaur
**My commentary**
Here Kabir tells us that there’s a huge difference in every master. Only that master is true which shows you the way of shabd or sound current. The true master will show you the way in which you can contact that shabd within your body & reach your true home. He warns us that a master who whispers some secret mantra in your ears is not a true master at all his reach is limited in the spiritual worlds so find a guru who is beyond such non sense and shows you the true path of shabd or sound current. Some false masters also fool ignorant seekers by saying that saar shabd is some secret mantra and they’ll give it after some time so Kabir warns us that no word or jaap of any mantra can take you to those divine realms except the shabd or sound current. Only by shabd you can reach those regions & there’s no other way except traveling to those spiritual regions by sound current.
Many false masters also say not to meditate but Kabir says
**Hindi Version**
Sumiran surat lagae kar, mukh se kachu na bol Bahar ka pat band kar, andar ka pat khol
**My commentary**
Here kabir says to withdraw the soul currents from the nine outer doors of our body like eyes, mouth, nose, ears & 2 sex openings & open the door within which is also known as the eye centre & further says to do simran or repetition mentally & not by saying those holy words out loud. Again in many places Kabir has told us to follow a master who knows the way of shabd or sound current.
***Some final words for the seeker***
So now we’ve seen how so many wrong teachings are being given to seekers about Kabir and the way to God realization he taught. The true way of saints starts from the eye centre also known as shiv netra, tisra til, third eye, inner eye, divine door etc. There they teach us how to contact the divine melody which resounds within us 24 hours a day & they channel our soul currents to move inwards & upwards. The master’s radiant form meets us in those astral regions & takes us towards our journey through those 5 grand divisions which are often represented by 5 holy charged words given to the disciple at the time of initiation as guru mantra, although there are further 3 more divisions of the 5th realm known as agam (inaccessible), alakh (imperciptible) & anami (nameless) or radhasoami dham where the adi shabd or primal sound resounds which is also known as soundless sound or soundless state. The way of saints is of shabd only which manifests as divine sound & light & by catching that sound our soul journeys through vast regions & many creations to reach the pure spiritual regions. True masters never charge money for initiation & bless us with the gift of Naam for free by their own grace. Kabir told us about his eternal home, where it can be found, who is a true master, what is the form of God, where is the secret & where the journey starts according to saints, who is a false guru, what is shabd, what is its identity & how while living you can go back to your true home & achieve salvation while living. I hope you enjoyed this amazing journey with Kabir the great mystic and understood what his real message was for those who seek their eternal home.
***My thanks***
My thanks to my mother for dictating these long passages and vanis, my sweet sister Ruby for giving this amazing title to the post and thanks to my very good friend Sabita Das for helping me out with translations.